

AUDI HUNGARIA has been a success story for a quarter of a century now - VIDEO REPORT

Over the past 25 years, Audi Hungaria has become Hungary's largest foreign investor, one of its largest manufacturing companies and exporters and an outstanding integrator of Hungary's supplier market. Since its incorporation in 1993, having invested a total o...

2018. 02. 19.

Automotive #Automotive #Audi Hungaria #Győr #NEW Jobs 31 #Invented in Hungary #EUR 20 million
HIPA and Budapest Business Journal once again awarded the best foreign CEOs

The "Expat CEO of the Year" award was given to Marc de Bastos Eckstein, Executive Director of thyssenkrupp Components Hungary, while HIPA's special supplier award was handed to Frank Müller, Head of VW Regional Office Eastern Europe, at the joint gala organise...

2018. 02. 12.

HIPA #HIPA #HIPA #thyssenkrupp #Expat CEO of the Year #BBJ #VW RO OE
Quality is the new quantity in FDI - VIDEO

The Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA) completed another exceptionally successful year in 2017 with a record number of 96 positive investment decisions for Hungary. As a result of almost 100 projects with a total investment volume of EUR 3.512 billio...

2018. 02. 09.

HIPA #HIPA #HIPA #Invented in Hungary #96 projects #EUR 3.512 billion
Automotive supplier doubles the number of its employees in Kaposvár - VIDEO REPORT

The Turkish Metyx has announced a significant project in its Kaposvár unit: the company engaged in the manufacture of glass and carbon fibre raw materials and composite products made of them will double the number of its employees, creating high added value jo...

2018. 02. 06.

Automotive #Automotive #EUR 10 million #Kaposvár #NEW Jobs 180 #METYX
Leading biotech research company is developing in Pécs - VIDEO REPORT

FOSS quadruplicates their employee number in Hungary by adding 88 new, high added value R&D jobs to the existing 30 positions. Moreover, Soft Flow, the subsidiary of the Danish biotechnology company is building a 2000 square-metres, complex, Scandinavian-s...

2018. 02. 05.

Life Sciences #Life Sciences #HIPA #FOSS #Pécs #EUR 6.3 million #Biotechnology #NEW Jobs 88
Hungary-based centre won the best of the bests CEE SSC award

Avis Budget Group was awarded as the Shared Services Firm of Year – CEE at the Central Eastern European Shared Services and Outsourcing Awards Gala. British Telecom (BT ROC), Harman's Székesfehérvár centre and EPAM Systems also received a prize this year at th...

2018. 02. 02.

BSC #BSC #Avis Budget Group BSC #BT ROC #Harman #EPAM Systems
Continental will develop its AI-based autonomous driving systems in Budapest

German automotive giant Continental establishes a Deep Machine Learning Competence Center in Budapest, Hungary. The new centre will be an integrated part of the global network of the Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) business unit. The focus topic in t...

2018. 01. 30.

Automotive #Automotive #R&D #Budapest #EUR 11,4 million #NEW Jobs 100 #Continental
Continental launched its latest development in Hungary

As a result of a comprehensive EUR 20 million development project, ContiTech Magyarország, belonging to the Continental Group, has expanded production in Nyíregyháza. The German automotive giant, one of the top 5 suppliers in the world, has started the manufac...

2018. 01. 23.

Automotive #Automotive #Continental #Nyíregyháza #ContiTech #TIER 1 #Capacity expansion
German health care company B. Braun expands in Gyöngyös

The German-owned B. Braun Medical, one of the main players in the Hungarian healthcare sector, has begun an expansion of its capacity. 407 new jobs will be created by the EUR 100 million investment in collaboration with the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agenc...

2018. 01. 18.

MedTech #MedTech #R&D #EUR 100 million #Gyöngyös #B. Braun #NEW Jobs 407