

Rosenberger launches its third investment

At the delivery ceremony of their previous investment, Rosenberger announced the launching of another investment in Nyírbátor and Jászárokszállás. The capacity expansion of the automotive part production plants amounting to EUR 20 million will create more than...

2018. 03. 12.

Automotive #Automotive #NEW Jobs 400 #Nyírbátor #Rosenberger #Jászárokszállás #EUR 20 million
12 Hungarian companies participated at KIA’s Suppliers’ Day

The Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA) organized a suppliers' day for KIA with the participation of 12 Hungarian companies. The purchasers of the Korean giant's Slovakian plant could get acquainted with the major suppliers of the Hungarian vehicle in...

2018. 03. 07.

Automotive #Automotive #HIPA #KIA
Arconic starts another huge expansion in Székesfehérvár - VIDEO REPORT

Arconic Wheel and Transportation Products – producing Alcoa Wheels - as a global key actor serves the commercial transportation and city bus market with a range of fully forged aluminum wheels announced another expansion in Hungary to double the capacities of ...

2018. 03. 06.

Automotive #Automotive #NEW Jobs 200 #Székesfehérvár #Arconic #EUR 107 million #Casting of light metals
Hungarian automotive industry to shift to new dimensions - VIDEO

The key domestic and international players of the Hungarian automotive sector held their 5th meeting this year at the Automotive Conference 2018 organised by the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA). The aim of the event is to discuss future sector tre...

2018. 03. 02.

Automotive #Automotive #HIPA #Electromobility #Suppliers #Invented in Hungary
Hungary is a strategic partner for thyssenkrupp - VIDEO REPORT

An investment exceeding EUR 100 million was realised by thyssenkrupp Components Technology Hungary Kft. in Jászfényszaru. In the plant built as a result of the greenfield automotive project, electric steering systems and cam shafts integrated cylinder heads wi...

2018. 03. 02.

Automotive #Automotive #thyssenkrupp #EUR 100 million #Jászfényszaru #NEW Jobs 450 #Capacity expansion
Canadian Linamar developing at three premises - VIDEO REPORT

The latest development by Linamar, which is active in several automotive industry areas, affects all the three premises it has in Hungary: the investment of EUR 28 million shall create a total of 200 jobs in Orosháza, Békéscsaba and Gyöngyös. This concerns mai...

2018. 02. 27.

Automotive #Automotive #NEW Jobs 200 #Linamar #EUR 28 million #Orosháza
Hungarian automotive supplier to earn a TIER1 position

The 100 % Hungarian-owned automotive supplier is building its third production floor in the context of a project of EUR 20 million, this being the most important investment in its 25 years of history. Qualitative Production (QP) from Győr can satisfy orders of...

2018. 02. 22.

Automotive #Automotive #NEW Jobs 120 #Győr #Suppliers #Qualitative Production #EUR 20 million
Debrecen is the 7th Hungarian plant of Continental in Hungary - VIDEO REPORT

Three announcements for three divisions in Hungary in just one month: busy weeks behind the Continental group. Following ContiTech and ADAS, Powertrain business unit is expanding, too. The brand new EUR 100 million plant in Debrecen will manufacture sensors an...

2018. 02. 21.

Automotive #Automotive #Debrecen #EUR 100 million #NEW Jobs 450 #Continental #Powertrain
Market leader REHAU expands business in Hungary - VIDEO REPORT

REHAU, the world's market leader automotive polymer supplier is building a new manufacturing plant in Hungary. Provider of polymer-based solutions, REHAU will manufacture lacquered external components in the new plant for the automotive industry. The EUR 150 m...

2018. 02. 20.

Automotive #Automotive #Újhartyán #REHAU #Suppliers #NEW Jobs 700 #Automotive